Are you looking for the best Bolt Carrier Group BCG on the market? Your friends at TRYBE Defense have your 6 with all the BCG components you need to build your own, including the TRYBE Defense Cam Pin built to Mil-Spec dimensions and coated in nickel boron to last for a lifetime of service. This cam pin is compatible with any standard Mil-Spec bolt carrier and bolt and is designed to work in Mil-Spec 5.56mm, .223 Remington, and .300 AAC Blackout calibers. Requiring virtually no lube during use and produced on top-of-the-line Swiss machinery to guarantee exacting tolerances and surface finish, this cam pin is ready to drop into your Bolt Carrier Group BCG and hit the ground running. For other quality gear to carry and protect everything you’d need for a day at the range, check out the premium field accessories that your loyal friends at TRYBE Tactical and TRYBE Optics have for you. Start customizing today and get ready to JOIN. THE. TRYBE. Specifications for TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec Nickel Boron Coated Cam Pin: Manufacturer: TRYBE Defense Color: Nickel Boron Fabric/Material: E4340 Steel Cartridge: .300 AAC Blackout, .223 Remington Gun Make: AR Platform Gun Model: AR-15 Country of Origin: USA Features of TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec Nickel Boron Coated Cam Pin E4340 Steel Heat Treated Per Mil-Spec Requirements Nickel Boron Coated Package Contents: TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec Nickel Boron Coated Cam Pin Similar Products to TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec Nickel Boron Coated Cam Pin TRYBE Defense Bolt Carrier Groups TRYBE Defense AR-15 Parts TRYBE Defense AR-15 Upper Receivers TRYBE Defense Charging Handles TRYBE Defense Drop-In Triggers TRYBE Defense Grips & Handstops TRYBE Defense Safety Selectors TRYBE Defense Rifle Barrels TRYBE Tactical 42″ Rifle Case TRYBE Tactical Range Bag TRYBE Warranty TRYBE™ products are made for performance and durability and are covered by a comprehensive warranty depending on the type of product. See full warranty information here
6 reviews for TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec Nickel Boron Coated Cam Pin
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rambie –
I wrote the earlier review about using in 7.62×39 and it not fitting, and received this response from the manufacturer. While I still would not buy knowing what I know, I am improving the rating,as they are correct, I'm not using in Mil-Spec, even though all the parts on the BCG except for the bolt are otherwise milspec. I have no interest in throwing anyone under the bus, only like to relay my experiences, which is why I'm posting this follow up…Trybee Defense"The cam pin is meant to fit any standard mil-spec bolt carrier and standard mil-spec bolt. Unfortunately there is no way for us to guarantee perfect fitment with parts that are not mil-spec like a 7.62×39 bolt. As long as the bolt followed mil-spec specifications then it should have accommodated this cam-pin. This was information provided to us by our product engineers:“We’ve sold thousands of cam pins and that’s a first for us (i.e. Never heard of this issue before). Our cam pins are designed to work in MilSpec 5.56mm, .223 and 300 blackout configurations. We can’t guarantee it will work with non-MilSpec carriers with other calibers, such as 7.62×39. In fact, shooters often speak of needing to modify the cam pin in situations like this. We will always guarantee our parts for MilSpec 5.56mm, .223 and 300 BO configurations.”As stated before, once I learned it was not suitable for my application I returned the part, so other than testing against two 7.52×38 AR-15's with different brand BCG's and finding neither played well with this Cam Pin, I returned it. I appreciate them taking the time to respond. I would not avoid them because of this small matter.
Jon –
I wondered when ordering the bolt and Cam pin separately if the fit would be good but soon found out that they match perfectly and work just as well.
Mike –
Hope these wear well. I will look for wear pattern.
Ruffian –
Have many a TRYBE products- Bolts , Firing pins, Bolt housings , cam pins etc etc they are my go to toy supplier. Super toys for your Black gun.
Bozo –
Always great to have even simple components that are top quality.
Louis –
I havent got to switch out my cam pins on my Adam's Arms TiN Piston BCG's yet but i can tell you do not use TiN Cam or firing Pins with a TiN BCG. The BCG will rip that coating right off. Im hoping these will fare a bit better otherwise im going back to reg Cam pins.