Are you looking for the best Bolt Carrier Group BCG on the market? This fully assembled Bolt Carrier Group BCG from TRYBE Defense includes the bolt, bolt carrier, gas key, firing pin, cam pin, and firing pin retaining pin. Every Bolt is High Pressure Tested (HPT) and Magnetic Particle Inspected (MPI) before making its way to our loyal TRYBE. Machined from ultra-durable and corrosion-resistant 8620 steel, nitride QPQ-treated, and hardened to mil-spec conditions to provide you with years of reliable service, this Bolt Carrier Group BCG is sure to satisfy even the most ardent and exacting operator. The bolt is made from 9310 vac-arc premium carburizing steel which has a high core hardness and high fatigue strength, unlike standard hot/cold rolled 9310 steels. It also comes oiled but it is recommended to keep this BCG clean and oiled regularly, as you should with all BCGs. Compatible with 6.5mm Grendel-chambered AR-15s and available in a variety of gorgeous finishes that will maintain the integrity of your BCG in any environment, this Bolt Carrier Group BCG is perfect for any shooter serious about the quality of their build! For a consistently smooth and reliable cycle, pick up the TRYBE Defense Mil-Spec AR-15 6.5 Grendel Complete Bolt Carrier Group BCG(Type 2 Bolt Face) today! For other quality gear to carry and protect everything you’d need for a day at the range, check out the premium field accessories that your loyal friends TRYBE Tactical and TRYBE Optics have for you. Start customizing today and get ready to JOIN. THE. TRYBE. Specifications for TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face): Manufacturer: TRYBE Defense Color: Black Finish: Black Nitride Fabric/Material: AISI 8620 Steel Cartridge: 6.5mm Grendel Gun Model: AR-15 Additional Features: Rockwell Harness – 78-80 HRc Condition: New Weight: 11.3 oz Features of TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face): Fully assembled Mil-Spec Bolt Carrier Group BCG Every Bolt is High Pressure Tested (HPT) and Magnetic Particle Inspected (MPI) Shot Peened Headspace: 1.4635-1.4735 in Tool Steel Nitride-Treated Extractor Enhanced Ejector Gas Key Staked to Mil-Spec Standards Grade 8 Hardened Fasteners Extractor Insert with Upgraded Crane O-Ring Power Spring Kit Laser Engraved TRYBE Eagle Logo Package Contents: TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face) AISI 8620 Steel Nitride-Treated Bolt Carrier AISI 9310 Steel Nitride-Treated Bolt AISI 4140 Steel Nitride-Treated Gas Key Enhanced Firing Pin Retaining Pin Enhanced Extractor Pin Similar Products to TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face): TRYBE Defense AR-15 Parts TRYBE Defense AR-15 Upper Receivers TRYBE Defense Charging Handles TRYBE Defense Drop-In Triggers TRYBE Defense Grips & Handstops TRYBE Defense Safety Selectors TRYBE Defense Rifle Barrels TRYBE Tactical 42″ Rifle Case TRYBE Tactical Range Bag TRYBE Warranty TRYBE™ products are made for performance and durability and are covered by a comprehensive warranty depending on the type of product. See full warranty information here
TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face)
Category: TRYBE Defense
6 reviews for TRYBE Defense Milspec Complete 6.5 Grendel Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) (Type 2 Bolt Face)
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sky –
Got my new TRYBE 6.5 Grendel Bolt today ! Was worried box all mushed up cut the tape to reveal the bolt that took a beating and never been fired yet ! Was in great shape and handled all the punishment it went through with flying colors! The TRYBE logo stands out true and bright , staking perfection, with the 6.5 on top of bolt so you can tell as you slide it into place what ammo this bolt is meant for !! I liked that touch, no mix ups !! The carrier finish not perfect not fully polished or even but at the cost still well worth it . I figure its gunna get beat up and worn down before I'm done with it !! Well worth the wait & $ tnx TRYBE & OPTICS
Grendel man –
This BCG looks good and fits as it should in a forged upper but has some play in a Billet receiver. I pulled it out of the packaging and it was laying in the bottom of a cardbaord shipping box protected only by the bag it comes in. The Carrie does look like the picture posted but it is a flat finish. Staking is ok but questionable. I like the logo on the side. The bolt looks like a Blake Nitride with that nice shine to it with nice head spacing but looks like it was made of cheap metal. I how ever would recommend this product to anyone on a budget. I will probably use this carrier again in other builds but with different bolts.
Gator –
Setup for Saturn barrel. Checked with go/ no go gauges. Good to go. Still Will not chamber. Will not fire. Switched BCG with Odin one I had in another rifle. It fired and cycled. Unsure of what issue is with bcg.Ended up ordered a Saturn Bcg through Maxim Firearms.Can’t return item since it was a year long build so return ability is a no.I guess you get what you pay for. Did keep Charging handle.
NurseMike –
Ordered Wednesday and got it Friday good job Opticsplanet. As for the BCG I can compare it to my Toolcraft BCG and I could say it matches pretty good. Some machining marks don't bother me. Nice smooth finish. I like the somewhat modular design. Once I get my weekend build completed and gets to shoot it with this Trybe BCG I will revise my review. But first impression is solid BCG.
George Williamson –
I purchased this BCG for a 6.5 Grendel for my Wife. I stripped this down and vleaned and inspected everything. I can not find anything out of sorts on this BCG. I did, while I had it out, change the ejector spring to an enhanced spring. Other than me doing this, I changed nothing else and probably didn't have to. I highly recommend this BCG and this manufacturer!
Dyehard9991111 –
Good performance for the price,bcg was not covered in factory grease which was nice just lightly oiled. Would buy again and will.